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7397 E. 1500 N. Rd.
Oakwood, IL 61858
217-354-4331 phone-fax |
CattleCo Marketing Programs
About Us -- CattleCo Marketing and
Consulting |
We, at CattleCo, have over 50 years of
marketing and promotion experience.
CattleCo Internet Livestock Markets was officially
launched in 1995 as an addition to C/S Livestock and Promotions,
a marketing and consulting business focused on livestock and
agribusiness. As the site grew, CattleCo was
approached to begin building custom web sites for other ranches
and agribusinesses.
Not only can CattleCo design a
cost-effective, user-friendly, custom web site for our clients,
we also put our marketing expertise behind the product. We
provide our clients with tips and news concerning building an
effective Internet marketing program. These are part of
our extensive site promotion and consulting services. A good
web site isn't enough. You have to combine it with an
effective marketing program.
Sale Catalogs
On-line -- downloadable sale
catalogs, PDF format
Private Treaty
Bull Sale Program
Web Site Design
CattleCo has several basic packages that can meet most of your
needs. Customized options are also available. Each
website is customized to fit with the image of your operation.
Call or e-mail Kim Gerk today to discuss your options!
(217) 354-4331

- CattleCo
- 7397 E. 1500 North Rd.
- Oakwood, IL 61858
- 217-354-4331 phone-fax
- e-mail Kim Gerk:
© 2009 CattleCo. All rights reserved.