CattleCo will build
you a bull marketing website for the bull
sale season.
Approximately January through June 1st.
You supply the following information in the following formats:
Pedigree and performance information in Microsoft Word.
Color pictures on a disc (taken with a digital camera) or you can
send color or B/W photos and we will scan them for $3.50 per picture.
Your Internet address
will be:
You will be able to list:
10-25 bulls for $350.00
26-50 bulls for $500.00
51-74 bulls for $750.00
75-100 bulls for $1000.00
You can have a picture of all
your bulls or just a few of them with pedigree and performance information on all of the
bulls you are offering for sale.
To have this information and color pictures in only one livestock
publication would cost you several thousand dollars! Cattle Co can help you advertise your
Internet Private Treaty Bull Marketing Program so you will get results and "get those
bulls in the BANK !"
For more information call: